Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fried Chicken is NOT a good hiking meal

9-20-09 day 110
start: Johns Hollow Shelter, VA
end: Matt's Creek Shelter, VA
daily mileage: 3.9
total mileage: 1405.2
Got out and walked 1.5 miles to the road into Glasgow, where we got a hitch from a family on their way to church. All the kids had to "double buckle" in the back seat to make room for us! They were super nice, and had hiked most of the trail in VA as a family.
We did our shopping and hung around the deli until it opened at 11 to get Polish sausages and fried chicken. Mmm! Sea Monster then bought some awesome new sunglasses at the dollar general. When we finally got a hitch out of town (mid-afternoon by this point), it was from a gorgeous lady all dressed up for church, and looking her best! She even gave us some food, which further endeared her to us.
We hiked over the James River on the longest footbridge on the AT (the punnily named "James River Foot Bridge," named after Bill Foot, the primary financier). By the time we got to the next shelter 2 miles up, laziness and fried chicken had prevailed... and we called it a day after 4 miles. Awesome! We'll make it up tomorrow, and spent our time that evening planning out an epic Waffle House night-hike in a few days (read on for that, dear readers!)
Sea Monster trapped a cadydid in a little wooden cage for most of the evening, and we were sad to see that it was dead by morning. Aww.

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